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Sunday School Videos

Each square of this colorful quilt has a loving and artistic message from a Sunday School class. Click on the image to relax to the sounds of children reading quotes from the quilt. That's truly a Comforter Quilt!

Sometimes our whole Sunday School will come together for an introduction to that week's Bible Lesson topic. Click on the image for a really fun "Sunday School Minute."

Click on the triangles for a video about teaching the Trinity and the synonyms for God. 

Many of our Sunday School teachers are in the field of professional education. Click on this video which was prepared for an educational devotional website. The assignment was to discuss the last verse of the 23rd Psalm and how teachers can use it in praying for their students. Then this mom relates how this psalm helped her in her prayers for her son who had gone missing while sailing.

Website Last Updated February 17, 2025

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